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Flyers Distribution,
Research & Planning

Before you start considering what your handbill / flyer will look like and what pictures, styles and content
will be added you need to do some planning and research; http://www.distributeflyers.net
  • Who are your handbills/ flyers targeted at?
    Demographics of your target audience.

  • Where will you find your target audience?
    Where do your target audience socialise, work, live, visit, shop?

  • What would your target audience expect?
    A small handbill / flyer with simple information or a lengthy brochure with detailed information and pictures? What do you need to present in order to achieve your primary goal?

Next think about;

  • What do you want to achieve with your handbill / flyer?
    Your primary goal as mentioned above.

  • Will your handbill/ flyer have a life expectancy?
    Will you display prices and if so when will they go out of date. This will influence the number you print and your distribution time line.
By addressing the above specifics you will be able to answer the following questions and in turn have a clear action plan for your whole handbill marketing campaign from design and print to distribution.
  • What appeal your handbill/flyer needs to have.
  • What dimensions your handbill/flyer needs to be.
  • What your handbill/flyer needs to include.
  • Where and how you will distribute your handbills/flyers.
  • How many handbills/flyers you need to print.

                   “Targeted, Intelligent Handbill/Flyer Marketing”

Understanding these criterions will enable you to refine your efforts, costs
and return on investment before you call your designer, plus will hopefully
help you avoid the boxes of redundant handbills/flyers clogging up office
space in later months/years.

Handbill/Flyer Distribution – The Key Is A Plan
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